Number 3 - Practice gratitude
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Big or small, I'll be documenting what I'm grateful for each day in my new journal |
'The small act of recording what you're grateful and thankful for can have the power to truly transform you - it will focus your energy on the positives in your life, leaving less energy for the negatives'
Life can often get so busy, we focus so much of our time and effort on the daily routine of work, chores and life admin that we often forget to stop, reflect and take time out to focus and appreciate the things that we have that truly makes us happy.
We all have plans, ambitions, goals and desires that we want to achieve to feel a sense of accomplishment, in either life, career or personal development, and whilst this is so important I've come to realise recently that whilst focusing so hard on all these wants, I've neglected to appreciate what I have.
A few months ago on our walk into work one morning, a friend of mine Ben, asked me a simple question.
'Tell me three things you're grateful for...go!'
I'm ashamed to admit that I struggled to answer him. How could that be? I have so many things in my life I'm grateful for. Of course I'm grateful for having an amazing family, friends, a roof over my head and being in good health, we all are, but when put on the spot I just couldn't say them out loud. Ben challenged me to think of other things, the little, but important things. Like, the fact that it was a bright sunny day, being able to have access to and drink clean water each day. At first I found it silly to actually say out loud that I was grateful for these things, but I actually am and it made me realise how much I take things for granted. It forced me to get some perspective, like the fact that for someone somewhere else in the world, clean water although we deem as a basic human right, is something they have to fight hard for each day.
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Thank you Ben, for your wise words, positivity and friendship always. |
- Keep a gratitude journal - list at least one to three things I'm grateful and thankful for each day
- Consciously being aware of the world around me and being amazed at the little things I take for granted
- Give one compliment daily, either to a person or for something
- When I find myself in a difficult situation to always ask myself 'what can I learn from this?'
- Vow to not complain or criticize, to avoid spending time on negative energy
By practicing gratitude and taking the time to notice and reflect upon the things you're thankful for, in turn means you'll experience more positive emotions, allows you to express more compassion and kindness and shifts your focus away from the negative.
And most importantly is about what YOU are grateful for. We live in a digital world surrounded by images, videos and stories of people around the world who depict consumer driven lifestyles, who travel the world, drive fast cars, own designer clothes and big homes. But we're all on our own paths and no-ones journeys is the same as someone else's.
It's OK to aspire to and work hard towards achieving your goals. But being grateful is about appreciating the things in your life that surround you right now, every day and what makes you happy in the context of your own life today.
Insta @35at35
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