Number 30 - Visit Vatican City

I’m a self confessed art and culture geek, and so Vatican City, the home to some of the most iconic and famous art, sculpture and architecture in the world was a must see during my trip to Italy. 

Vatican City is a -state surrounded by Rome and is the headquarters of the Roman Catholic Church and home to the Pope. 

Steeped in hundreds of years of history that’s helped shape the world we live in today. 

Here’s my download of the must see attractions to visit whilst your there.

Vatican Museums

The Vatican Museums are Christian and art museums located within the city boundaries of the Vatican City, displaying some of the most renowned Roman sculptures and Renaissance art masterpieces of that of Raphael and Michelangelo and the home of the Sistine Chapel.

Sistine Chapel

Located in the Vatican Museums this is where you’ll find Michelangelo’s infamous art masterpieces of the Sistine Chapel ceiling and The Last Judgement fresco painted on the wall.

Between 1508 and 1512, Michelangelo painted the ceiling in complete isolation and once revealed, changed the course of Western art. Depicting the nine scenes from the Book of Genesis and The creation of Adam, it’s regarded as one of the major artistic accomplishments of human civilization and attracts thousands of visitors each year since they were revealed over 500 years ago.

St Peters Basilica

St Peters Square is the Vatican’s main public area, where crowds gather for papal appearances. 

During my trip across Italy I visited many Duomos (Cathedrals) but I’d definitely saved the best for last. St Peters Basilica is by far one of the most beautiful cathedrals I’ve ever visited. Inside the massive, marble-and-gold interior lies Michelangelo’s marble Pietà sculpture and Bernini’s bronze altar canopy. 

I also took on the challenge of climbing up the 551 steps to the top of St Peters Cupola which wasn’t easy. But the breathtaking panoramic views of Rome from the top was so worth it.

I am truly thankful for having had the opportunity to be able to see these magnificent works of arts which were created hundreds of years ago and have been preserved beautifully.

In today’s digital world we’re surrounded by photos and images shared from around the globe, but visiting Vatican City and seeing original art pieces and sculptures, I felt a huge amount of appreciation for the artists and their true talent, determination, patience, persistence and commitment to art, and who spent years to craft images and tell stories through their paintings, sculpture and architecture. 

A reminder that to create something beautiful it deserves time and attention. 

So be patient don’t rush through life, enjoy the process of creating a life you love, cherish the moments, because in the end you’ll be able to stand back and see the beauty of your creation. 


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