Number 36 - Find happiness

Today may be ‘Blue Monday’, where some believe it to be ‘the most depressing day of the year’. The excitement and festivities of Christmas and the anticipation of celebrating the New Year have gone by. New Years resolutions have failed, the weather is cold and gloomy and it’s still another week until payday. 

But what if Blue Monday became the opportunity to find happiness. Whilst there may be reasons that make us all feel a little down at this time of year, how about acknowledging them and finding the opportunities to change them. 

Each year I’ve been a victim to feeling these blues, and I’ve found what has helped me in the past was to make plans, and set goals, small but achievable one’s and big exciting one’s too. 

Like, making sure I always stuck to my nighttime cleansing routine to remove makeup before bed, to deciding to change my career and apply for ‘that job’, to making sure I called Mum and Dad each week or booking flights to explore somewhere new. 

This year, I’m still setting goals, but instead of just looking ahead, I’m taking the time to be in the present, and aligning my goals to who I truly am and to make plans that help me become a better and happier version of myself.


And so I am finding happiness in the every day, and what I already have. 

I’m loving my new happiness planner which helps you create your own happiness roadmap, to be your true self and develop self awareness about yourself and what makes you happy and fulfilled, with simple weekly tasks to help you embrace the power of positive thinking, mindfulness, gratitude, and self-development.

Also starting at the beginning of January this year, at the end of each week I take some time to sit in silence and think about the one thing that has made be feel truly happy that week. Again big or small, I write it down on a small piece of paper fold it up and place it in a jar of happiness. 

At the end of the year I’ll be able to look back and see all the great things I have in my life to be happy about. 

It’s easy to do, and it’s not too late so go and fill your jar! 


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